RPM Challenge 2010

This is The Challenge - Record an album in 28 days, just because you can. That’s 10 songs or 35 minutes of original material recorded during the month of February. Go ahead… put it to tape.

It’s a little like National Novel Writing Month, (NaNoWriMo.org) where writers challenge each other to write 1,700 words a day for 30 days, or the great folks over at February Album Writing Month (fawm.org), who encourage artists to write 14 new songs in February. Maybe they don’t have “Grapes of Wrath” or “Abbey Road” at the end of the month, or maybe they do—but that’s not the point. The point is they get busy and stop waiting around for the muse to appear. Get the gears moving. Do something."



Creative Cycle

I have been learning about my own creative cycle over the last few years. It took me quite a while to even notice that it was a cycle. I would just get into these terrible creative slumps. I would fight and fight and fight with myself to crank out work whether it was design jobs for my freelance clients or art/music for myself. I would get very depressed and feel as though I should just quit doing anything creative at all. All my work sucked. No one cared. Blah. 

Shortly after hitting bottom,

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Computer Artist Glenn Marshall

Computer artist Glenn Marshall is from the future. A future where the artist uses code instead of a brush. That future is now. His amazing visual creations are made with Processing.

“Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions.”



The Nest That Sailed The Sky from Glenn Marshall on Vimeo.

Eric Tsutomu on vimeo

This kid is amazing. I'm just blown away.

The Brick Factory from Eric Tsutomu on Vimeo.

From Eric's vimeo profile:

"I'm a High School student that lives in the Bay Area. I am a huge fan of the Golden State Warriors. I film with a pretty inexpensive camera called the Canon HV30 w/a Raynox DCR-6600 wide conversion lens. I use a Rode NTG-2 shotgun microphone for my sound and I edit in FCS2."